Some disparate developments

By Jonatan Hildén — 

I might be working on too many things at once, but hey, that’s learning – and I’ve never been one for autistic focus. So, I created an improved version of the random walkers using classes and definitions – much more reusable – and in expectation of the FUTURE. Frederik helped out with a better version of the trails.



So, did you see the words?

Then I messed around a bit with grids, words and the Urban Dictionary library.





When I tired of those, I went back to the good ‘ole grid connector, from the 2008 workshop. I made a definition of the  thing and tried messing around with it, in the process learning some of the peculiarities of rotating many objects at once in Nodebox.



Mysterious effects take place if you rotate the thing:gridconnector_definitionx2gridconnector_definitionx1gridconnector_definitionx2