Day 2: Processing continues

By Mikkot — 

Social -> Society Individuals -> Society

Society consists of individuals. Individuals have different characteristics and persona. Regardless of individualism, humans have need to belong to some group or ‘tribe’ and be somewhat like others. Some societies emphasize more individualism(e.g. western) and others communality(e.g. eastern). Society controls its individuals.

[caption id=”attachment_157” align=”alignnone” width=”300” caption=”Different individuals..”][/caption]

A social type = hand + individualism + control =Handwriting + NodeBox-magic

Everybody’s handwriting style is different but at school we learn to write ‘right’. Our personal style is being controlled and it developes during lifetime. Handwriting is rare bird today. People send email but letters are hardly written. Some people are ashamed of their handwriting.

Need Your Help!!!

Collaboration. Give me a hand! Give me a sample of handwriting (alphabets written by hand). I will make a mighty, miraculous NodeBox-fontographer which blends one individuals handwriting style to others and other.... As NodeBox represents the society and its control you never can be sure what happens. Maybe this overminded machine adds something to the endresult from its own bottomless consiousness..

What will the poster be? hmm…