Day six - veins and chaos
Finished poster Just kidding, it’s not finished at all. Today I was thinking the poster little bit. Lucas saw last week a mask in my black version and that inspired me to create this shape. I just combined two versions of my tryouts to form the mask. It somehow inspire me, but I’m not sure if I’m going to use it, or modify it more.
Background shapes are originally modified from the eye veins. The eye was good starting point because the mask does not include any eyes. Yet at least. I wanted to have some spotlight idea, that the Joker is in this light when he is performing, but it’s really fragile and horrible situation for him, like this would be something how he sees the being in the spotlight. Also it could also mean the light is blinding a little bit, it’s possible to see stars or have a feeling that your brains are exploding.
For this sketch I didn’t use the Nodebox, sorry. But, I started to create the background shape with it. Just in case I would really like to use it later on. I had idea to change the shape or the ends of it, something jingle bell -stuff. I also thought I could try to use some type to form this shape. Like make some letters full of sharp edges and build the background from them. Of course I have these happy words I would like to hide there, such as antihero, exaggeration, deformity, waste…