Day 3 - Chris & Niel
What are the dominant ethnic identities of Canadians?
Today, we started out by learning some more data visualisation with Nodebox. The possibilities are amazing, we are really anxious to start processing our data and convert our sketches into real data visualisation.
We have selected a couple of ideas from our research and combined them into what we think is a good concept. Basically, what we have is a conceptual map representing the provinces of Canada in circles. Circles’ sizes are proportional to their population density, containing each a couple of their main cities.
A ring with the 130 ethnical origins is placed around the provinces. And the connections between the ethnical origins and the provinces will show the dominant ethnical groups. We make connections from wider to smaller: From the different ethnic groups > to the provinces > to their main cities.
The concept already defined, we still have to process all data to make it fit into the system, its the final step before we can plunge into Nodebox. We can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!