Frequencies Process #1
Data recorded by the antenna in being converted to .raw files, which can be opened is Photoshop and saved as an image file. This returns noisy patterns. I’m not quite sure though what exactly is happening in photoshop while creating those images. Are these patterns representative in any way?
Noise in a grid can then be displayed as a semi-3d mesh. Wondering if it is possible to import the photoshop image files and convert them into such a mesh, where the hight of the lines correlates with the grey value of the pixel.
Because i am looking for a way of translating the data into 3D printable objects, an SVG file of such a mesh could be imported in C4D to achieve that.
For the online version i could also just color the mesh. Would there be a way to correlate the wave frequencies of light with the recorded wave data to create lissajous figures?